Writing/Tang Poem 300

026. 賊退示官吏幷序(적퇴시관리병서) /元結

혜공 2015. 2. 11. 08:35

적이 물러간 뒤 관리에게 보이노라




昔歲逢太平(석세봉태평), 지난 세월 평화로워

山林二十年(산림이십년). 이십년을 산에서 살았소

泉源在庭戶(천원재정호), 뜰 가에 샘물

洞壑當門前(동학당문전). 문 앞엔 산골짜기

井稅有常期(정세유상기), 세금은 납부기한이 있어도

日晏猶得眠(일안유득면). 늦도록 잠잘 수 있었소

忽然遭時變(홀연조시변), 홀연히 시대의 변고를 맞아

數歲親戎旃(삭세친융전). 몇 년 동안 군대에 있었소

今來典斯郡(금내전사군), 금년에 여기 전사군에 와보니

山夷又紛然(산이우분연). 산적들이 또 시끄럽소

城小賊不屠(성소적부도), 성이 적어 도적들도 양민을 죽이지 아니하니

人貧傷可憐(인빈상가련). 사람들 가난에 상처받아 불쌍히 여기서요

是以陷鄰境(시이함린경), 아 때문에 이웃 고을 짓밟혀도

此州獨見全(차주독견전). 이 고을만 온전하다오

使臣將王命(사신장왕명), 관료들이여, 왕명을 받은 몸이

豈不如賊焉(개부여적언)! 어찌 도적들만도 못한가

令彼征斂者(령피정렴자), 저 세금을 거두어들이는 자들

迫之如火煎(박지여화전). 백성들을 압박하기를 불로 약 다리 듯

誰能絶人命(수능절인명), 누가 능히 남의 생명 끊어서

以作時世賢(이작시세현). 시대의 어진 사람 되려는가

思欲委符節(사욕위부절), 생각하네, 벼슬자리 버리고

引竿自刺船(인간자자선). 낚싯대 들고 직접 배를 고쳐 타고 싶어라

將家就魚麥(장가취어맥), 가족을 데리고 물고기와 곡식 있는 시골로

歸老江湖邊(귀노강호변). 돌아가 강가에서 늙어보리라




Yuan Jie




In the year Kuimao the bandits from Xiyuan entered Daozhou, set fire, raided, killed, and looted. The whole district was almost ruined. The next year the bandits came again and, attacking the neighbouring prefecture, Yong, passed this one by. It was not because we were strong enough to defend ourselves, but, probably, because they pitied us. And how now can these commissioners bear to impose extra taxes? I have written this poem for the collectors' information.

I still remember those days of peace --

Twenty years among mountains and forests,

The pure stream running past my yard,

The caves and valleys at my door.

Taxes were light and regular then,

And I could sleep soundly and late in the morning-

Till suddenly came a sorry change.

...For years now I have been serving in the army.

When I began here as an official,

The mountain bandits were rising again;

But the town was so small it was spared by the thieves,

And the people so poor and so pitiable

That all other districts were looted

And this one this time let alone.

...Do you imperial commissioners

Mean to be less kind than bandits?

The people you force to pay the poll

Are like creatures frying over a fire.

And how can you sacrifice human lives,

Just to be known as able collectors? --

...Oh, let me fling down my official seal,

Let me be a lone fisherman in a small boat

And support my family on fish and wheat

And content my old age with rivers and lakes!