Book/My Book

Runaway(떠남) /Alice Munro

혜공 2015. 2. 17. 14:05






The incomparable Alice Munro's bestselling and rapturously acclaimed Runaway""is a book of extraordinary stories about love and its infinite betrayals and surprises, from the title story about a young woman who, though she thinks she wants to, is incapable of leaving her husband, to three stories about a woman named Juliet and the emotions that complicate the luster of her intimate relationships. In Munro's hands, the people she writes about-women of all ages and circumstances, and their friends, lovers, parents, and children-become as vivid as our own neighbors. It is her miraculous gift to make these stories as real and unforgettable as our own.


북미대륙의 유명 픽션작가 앨리스 먼로의 최신 단편선집 『떠남』. 사람들 사이의 관계에서 비롯되는 갈등과 열정, 죄의식과 환상을 탄탄한 서사와 절제된 감정으로 담아낸다.

이야기 전개가 느리게 진행되는 첫 번째 작품 <떠남>은 비정한 남편을 떠나기로 결심한 주인공 칼라가 홀연히 마음을 바꾸어 발걸음을 돌리는 내용을, 두 번째 작품 <열정>은 20대 여성의 사랑에 대한 환상을, 감정의 흐름을 의도적으로 배제하고 상황만을 묘사한다.

또한 자의식이 강하고 학구적인 여성 줄리엣의 삶을 젊은 시절부터 노년까지 그린 <우연>, <머지않아>, <침묵>. 이 3편의 작품은 독립된 주제를 다루고 있으면서도 같은 주인공이 등장해 하나의 이야기처럼 연결된 구조를 띄고 있다.





Runaway 3

Chance 48

Soon 87

Silence 126

Passion 159

Trespasses 197

Tricks 236

Powers 270





저자소개 : Alice Munro

Alice Munro grew up in Wingham, ontario, and attended the University of Western ontario. She has published eleven new collections of stories?Dance of the Happy Shades; Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You; The Beggar Maid; The Moons of Jupiter; The Progress of Love; Friend of My Youth; Open Secrets; The Love of a Good Woman; Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage; Runaway; and a volume of Selected Stories?as well as a novel, Lives of Girls and Women. During her distinguished career she has been the recipient of many awards and prizes, including three of Canada’s Governor General’s Literary Awards and two of its Giller Prizes, the Rea Award for the Short Story, the Lannan Literary Award, England’s W. H. Smith Book Award, the United States’ National Book Critics Circle Award, and the Edward MacDowell Medal in literature. Her stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, The Paris Review, and other publications, and her collections have been translated into thirteen languages.

Alice Munro divides her time between Clinton, ontario, near Lake Huron, and Comox, British Columbia.